As we close January and enter February, there’s a feeling of imminent change in the air. The Sun is in progressive Aquarius, illuminating our path towards the future. When pausing to absorb the galactic messages, we realize that personal growth and advancement are possible this year—but of course, this opportunity comes with one condition: we will first have to heal our shadow. As the Sun connects with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, on February 1st, we get a glimpse at which area of life each zodiac sign will need to heal in 2023.
Read your Sun as well as your Rising sign for some specific guidance:
Aries: Healing your sense of individuality by embracing your inner rebel and showing yourself exactly as you are! Make yourself—instead of others—happy.
Taurus: It’s time to heal issues from the past, Taurus. Repeating positive mantras and sound healing will help you clear your subconscious mind.
Gemini: Your need to fit in is an illusion, Gemini. Heal your sense of identity around friendships and collaboration and you will get far!
Cancer: Productivity is a goal, not a lifestyle, Cancer. Healing your insecurities around success is key and will have a major impact on your home life.
Leo: The world is a beautiful place, and the more spiritual and optimistic you stay, the more you will realize this is true.
Virgo: Intimacy does not equal vulnerability—in fact, being able to connect with others at such a deep level is true strength. Work on yours.
Libra: People-pleasing only leads to co-dependency. Work on your ability to relate with others without losing yourself in the other person’s sense of identity.
Scorpio: You don’t have to give up important parts of yourself to be of service. Giving your community exactly what feels right will relieve control issues.
Sagittarius: Who did you want to be when you were a kid? Healing your inner child and any love-related scars is part of your journey to success.
Capricorn: It’s time to heal wounds around family, security, or scarcity to finally overcome them. The consequence will be a happier, more liberated you!
Aquarius: Heal your voice by speaking your truth, Aquarius. Mantras, chanting, and singing will unlock the power of your throat chakra, creating more flow in your life.
Pisces: Your personal value goes beyond your material possessions and your salary. Your vision is your infinite source of power, so show it to the world!

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