Weekly Astrology Forecast I March 17: Bloom in 2025 With This Ostara Tarot Spell

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Welcome to the true beginning of 2025! On March 20th at 2:01 a.m. PST, the Sun makes its annual entrance into the sign of Aries, the very first sign of the Zodiac. This is the official beginning of the year, which in Pagan traditions has always been celebrated as Ostara. While this is a yearly occurrence, in 2025, it takes even more prominence due to the rare planetary shifts that are soon set to occur. Between now and the beginning of Summer, an impressive number of planets (Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus) wrap up their cycles to begin new ones. 

A truly extraordinary year, 2025 brings Spring and with it the beginning of the astrological year during eclipse season and a double retrograde (Venus and Mercury). While we still have a foot in the past, it is quickly fading away as brand-new pathways begin to emerge! The past, present, and future merge now, and we’ve prepared the perfect ritual, which combines the magic of Tarot with Spring energy to ground your journey.

Ostara Tarot Spell: Bloom Through Time

GATHER your items: The Sucess Magic Candle, the Rider’s Tarot Deck, fresh flowers or a small plant to symbolize new beginnings, and a bowl of water. 

SET the scene by arranging the flowers or petals in a circle around the candle and water bowl. 

LIGHT the candle as you take a few cleansing breaths and visualize the light of the Sun coming in and illuminating your space. 

DRAW three cards from your Tarot deck as you ask the following questions: 

Card 1 (The Past): What wisdom from the past supports my growth?

Card 2 (The Present): What energy helps me bloom right now?

Card 3 (The Future): What intentions should I nurture moving forward?

CLOSE your eyes and give yourself time to absorb the information. Once ready… 

VISUALIZE yourself as a blooming flower, ready to implement the lessons from the past as you embrace all the possibilities available to you. 

OPEN your eyes slowly and dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle it over the flowers or petals as you repeat the affirmation: “I bloom with grace, rooted in the past, thriving in the present, and reaching for the future.”

CLOSE the ritual by practicing gratitude as you snuff the candle and place the flowers somewhere you’ll see them daily as a reminder of your blooming journey.


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