Welcome to another ground-breaking year! 2025 promises to bring more collective shifts as we get deeper into the Age of Aquarius. On January 11, the Lunar Nodes of Destiny change signs, meaning that eclipses - as energetic portals that mix timelines - will now fall in a different place in your birth chart, according to your rising sign. Below is what this shift means for you:
Aries: After being very social and on top of the world, now you get to spend more time alone with your thoughts as you deepen your sense of spirituality.
Taurus: Creating a community will feel the most rewarding now. So don’t hesitate to get out there to meet people in real life or create an online presence for yourself now.
Gemini: Your career will continue to soar as you reap the rewards for efforts previously invested. The universe continues to bring you people who push your interest forward.
Cancer: You’re bound to come out of your shell! Learning, traveling, and exploration are your vehicles for adapting to the changing times, so approach life with excitement and gusto!
Leo: A relationship or two will grow as you crave deeper connections. You could also sign a lucrative contract that ends up winning you a good amount of cash!
Virgo: You will be shedding your old skin as a personal transformation occurs. The people closest to you will be your support and catalysts for your growth.
Libra: A busy bee you will be over the months ahead as the cosmos inspires you to craft your perfect life, especially when it comes to health and wellness.
Scorpio: You’ll be ready to embrace fun, play, and creativity! As long as you find something that brings you joy and dive into it, nothing can rock your world.
Sagittarius: Your attention turns to your family, home, and foundation for many months to come. If you’ve been wanting to purchase property, the winds blow in your direction.
Capricorn: Developing a true sense of power also means polishing your communication skills. Expressing yourself is your vehicle for self-actualization and personal growth.
Aquarius: Your mind will be focused on fixing or bettering your finances and savings, and perhaps also on creating new sources of income, and the universe will support your efforts.
Pisces: You will be committed to making your dreams come true, and the more you act on them, the more the universe will help you fulfill them!