Chakra: Crown
This extremely versatile stone actually adapts to the specific needs of the individual. Think of it as a very high vibrational canvas that allows you to program your own intention or energy. This makes it ideal for manifesting as it applies the energy of your intention and sends it out into the world with beautiful protective light. The naturally clear appearance of this quartz is representative of the way it assists in helping one see through their own perceived limitations and move forward.
Size, shape, and exact color varies due to each stone being unique.
Chakra: Crown
This extremely versatile stone actually adapts to the specific needs of the individual. Think of it as a very high vibrational canvas that allows you to program your own intention or energy. This makes it ideal for manifesting as it applies the energy of your intention and sends it out into the world with beautiful protective light. The naturally clear appearance of this quartz is representative of the way it assists in helping one see through their own perceived limitations and move