LOVE WINS. Love will always win.  What we choose to do today to fight for racial equality, gender expression, and representation will trickle down to the next generations to come. This energy rolling through the collective demands reform, a new structure, and a better way to treat all of humankind. Share your love with those closest to you and honor even a stranger with the same sense of familiarity. We are all connected. We are all in this together. We are all making a difference by standing up for who we are: human.

To people from all creeds: all colors, all orientations, and all identities, let us draw strength from each other as we transcend differences to outgrow old paradigms that no longer serve our Highest Good. Love is the frequency we align with when faced with the toughest of battles. We combine all that makes us special to manifest a world for ourselves and our future generations: one of profound UNITY guided by LOVE. Tap into the depths of your heart and serve the world with will and passion. Our most significant power source is the one that beats in our chest most often.  

As LGBTQ+ Founders of House of Intuition, we are so happy to be celebrate all energies and forms of Love. Our Love Wins Collection is growing and we will be donating 5% of our Love Wins Collection proceeds to a revolving list of social causes and charities, many of which are listed below.  Join us as we celebrate Love in all colors.