Astrology Forecast for House of Intuition | May 31st to June 6th

By Narayana Montúfar

Cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, are the protagonists of this current Gemini Season astrology forecast, which starts on a positive note, but ends with intensity. Since Mars directs our actions and Neptune represents dreams, this energy is ideal for spending time thinking about cherished goals and how to materialize them in the future. After all, the Moon will be in air sign Aquarius, stimulating our minds and turning it to the future.

Beautiful Venus makes a power move by leaving Gemini and entering Cancer, where it will stay for the next three weeks. In the intuitive waters of this sign, the goddess of pleasure can bestow nurturance, affection, and protection—a very welcomed energy after spending three weeks in rather a mental sign.

Right after entering Cancer, Venus reaches out to Jupiter on Thursday by a gorgeous trine, bringing the perfect set up to indulge in either a spa or a date night. On that same day, the Gemini Sun will also be forming a trine with Saturn, so the efforts we invest ourselves in during this time should see long-term potential.

Things do get intense by the time Saturday arrives, as many planets will be clashing in the sky. The Moon will be in Aries, forming intense planetary connections with other planets, impregnating the air with intensity and a competitive streak. The positive manifestation of a Mars-Pluto square is a desire to succeed. However, because we can also fall victim to our rawest, primal desires, it’s important to be aware of the reasons behind our actions. Communication will also be distorted around this time, as retrograde Mercury will be affecting energies. Since the lack of clarity can lead to paranoia, it’s best to keep communicative exchanges to a minimum.

Luckily, the week ends with a series of relaxing overhead skies. Lovely Luna will be now in Taurus, its most favorite sign to be in, offering us the opportunity to relax and recharge and bringing back optimism, fun, and the opportunity to spend time with our most favorite people.




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