This week we interviewed one of our healers Christine so you can get to know the faces of HOI a little more. Christine offers Tarot readings, Tarot classes and will be offering a special New Moon Sound Healing on Monday, March 27th at 5pm. If you're not in LA, or just flat out busy, you can watch her incredible Tarot classes on HOI.TV!
Q: What do you love about being a healer?
My favorite part of being a healer by far is knowing that I'm helping my clients to shift their energetic attention from problem based thinking to solution based action. So often we put our focus into what we either don't want or what we fear the most, and I use the tarot as a tool to shift focus to positive actions we can take to get back on the right track!
Q: Did you always think you'd be a healer?
I didn't plan on becoming a healer, but looking back on my life, it makes perfect sense! I was interested ever since I was a little girl in magic, the occult, crystals, and the tarot and I read every book on the subject in the library of my hometown in Greenwood, IN. Even while I was studying photography, film and performance art in college, I was using the tarot and magic as the basis of my creative work. The tarot has informed so much of my life!
Q:What would you tell people to do if they want to be a healer or think they might be good at it?
If you think you might want to become a healer, my first piece of advice is to read! There are so many modalities and techniques out there, and I think it's important to find those that really resonate with you. It's also a good idea to experience them firsthand, so schedule a session with a healer and afterwards talk to them about their experiences. You might even be part of culture that has a rich healing practice of its own, so research your own roots to find clues about your path as a healer.
Q: How has astrology helped you in your life?
I've used astrology to mindfully launch projects, and I use the moon cycles for personal clearing and manifestation. Recently I heard that Carl Jung, the famed writer and therapist, had a series of very difficult astrological transits in his life. Instead of succumbing to the overwhelming pressures of these periods in his life, Jung worked with the energies around him and created a body of work that changed humanity for the better. Food for thought!
Q: What's your favorite metaphysical book?
It's hard to say what exactly my favorite metaphysical book is, but there are a few that stand out in my personal journey. The Seth Material, especially The Nature of Personal Reality came into my life at a pivotal time. It was the first book I read that introduced me to the practice of mindfulness: the point of power is in the present. I still repeat this phrase to myself daily!
Q: Besides reiki and divination, what does everyday Christine do for fun?
I'm also a musician, vocalist, songwriter and performer, and I've been known to make the occasional music video. I'm currently working on a new solo music project called Virgil Pool, and I'm also creating music for healing and meditation. I love yoga, running, hiking and the occasional dance party.
Q: What's your technique for pulling your mind from negative to positive?
I think I mentioned it above already, but here it is again! "The point of power is in the present." As someone who has dealt with anxiety, this phrase is so powerful. It's easy to get caught up in worries over the past and future, but the reality is that we live in this moment. Now. Right now! I've also been using mantras to help calm and center my energy.