I had an opportunity to sit down with Oliver who offers classes at House of Intuition and a specific type of healing modality called B.E.S.T. I asked him what got him into this type of healing and it was a remarkable journey. He accounted working in a typical job as his health increasingly declined. He had no real understanding of Eastern medicine but his body was giving him every sign under the sun he needed to understand something deeper. Carpel tunnel was the least of his worries. He started seeing a chiropractor who treated him with what Oliver now offers called B.E.S.T (Bio-energetic synchronization technique).
Oliver’s health improved immediately and his journey began. He studied the technique and soon started to heal others. He was able to help a woman with chronic infertility in just one session (she now has twins)! He helped a woman who had been in an accident and had chronic hip pain heal be able to go back to her job which required her to use her physical body as a dancer. Another client was able to stop using insulin after a few sessions!
When you meet Oliver, his humble personality does not reveal to the vast amount of information below the surface. He specializes in not only physical healing but in healing self sabotaging unconscious patterns. This includes helping women and men unlock their own potential to experience pleasure but that is only the beginning. If you are sabotaging jobs or relationships, a private session or class with Oliver could be the final turning point in a series of frustrating events. Even if you’re not sure what pattern is going on, he will apply his system to open your potential to align with your destiny. It is a scientific and spiritual process.
So where and when can you meet this magician? He offers appointments on Wednesdays and teaches on Wednesdays and Saturdays. His class for men about removing the armoring that can keep you from experiencing sexual pleasure called ‘Pleasure and The True Self: Undefended Love (guys session)’ is Wednesday December 21st at 7:30. The women’s session is on Wednesday December 14th and on Wednesday December 28th, he has a class on mending childhood traumas. You can also catch him Saturdays for his class called ‘Emotional and Relationship Trauma Support.’ Sign up on www.meetup.com/templeofintuition/. The best thing about his classes is that they are small so you can actually get to the root of your issues!