Imagine being a little kid. You're digging through some sand, or running your hands along some blades of grass. You're sneaking through the drawers of your parents, or running through the field at school. Something shiny and unusual catches your eye.
It could be a rock, a marble or just a random piece of earth. You feel an affinity towards it and it becomes a magical talisman that you touch whenever you're scared, nervous or just to tap into your inner power. You don't really know why you love it and it comforts you; really, it doesn't matter.
All that matters is your intentions and the energy the item creates within and around you. That's why we load our Magic Candles with crystals--we know how special it is to find a powerful piece of crystal energy and connect with it.
Choosing a crystal as an adult is basically the same process. So many people come into the House of Intuition stores asking, "How do I pick my crystals?" While we're happy to direct you according to your needs, many times the crystal picks you. You just need to use your intuition and connect with it.
Slowly connecting and opening up to mystical energy can sometimes be difficult in this world of fast-paced and instant gratification everything. Our cellphones have become a replacement for those magical talismans that connect us to our primal, earthly essence. Siri can tell you what the stones are for, but she can't tell you how they feel in your soul.
Whether you fall in love at first crystal or it takes a few crystal dates to feel a connection, here's a few tips on connecting with your crystals:
1) Pick it up. Hold the stone in your receiving hand, which is the hand you use the least. Feel the contours, the shape, the coolness, the weight. Close your eyes and just touch the crystal without any knowledge of what it does.
2) Feel the vibrations. Does it make you feel happy? Sad? Relaxed? Angry? Woozy? Like all your past lives are flashing before your eyes? Forget about your preconceived notions about what's supposed to happen. Just let feelings--good and bad--wash over you.
3) Meditate with it. Find a quiet corner of the store and hold the crystal of your choice. Think about your intentions and what you want to manifest. Does it make you feel more powerful or the same? Can you see yourself accomplishing what you want through the power of the stone, or does it feel just whatever?
4) Don't be too quick to judge. Like we said above, sometimes it takes a few crystal dates to connect with a certain stone. Sometimes you need to pick up a different shape and size of the same crystal; sometimes you just need to come back another time. Factors like color and prettiness can sometimes come into play while choosing, when what we really need is something brown and practical. You can't judge a crystal by its cover, color, shape or size!
5) Let it go and walk away. Can't stop thinking about it? It's official! You're in love. Snag it before someone else also falls in love, because the same crystals are just radiantly charming on certain days. It's like one of those days when you just feel amazing and everyone compliments you. That crystal is really feelin' itself. Take it home and treat it right. Use some of our palo santo or sage to cleanse the crystal and you're all set to make great things happen!
When you've done all that and gone through the visceral, emotional, spiritual and tactile process of connecting with your crystals, you'll probably be shocked to see how applicable that crystal's healing properties are to your life. See, that's how magic works!
Need some more clarity? We have workshops about crystals all the time. Check out our events schedule here. Bookmark it so you never miss out!
How do you connect with your crystals? Let us know in the comments or tag us on Instagram: @houseofintuition.