Divination is the art of acquiring information about the past, present or future, and there are many different methods for achieving this goal. Tarot cards are likely the most famous style, but they are far from the only one. Forecasting the future was an art perfected by the early shamans of civilization, the weather-workers who were tasked with calling the rains (or sending them away). They sought omens in nature, in its patterns and the emotions evoked by certain objects. From those initial attempts to ascertain information from the unknown, divination has evolved and diversified across cultures and traditions in myriad form and style.
Here, we’ll talk about a great divination method for beginners who may be intimidated by the prospect of learning the intricate meanings of 78 ornate Tarot card images. The pendulum is a simple tool that can nevertheless provide a powerful connection to your guides and offer you profound insight and guidance.
First, you’ll have to choose the appropriate pendulum. Find one that feels good in your left hand, especially when you hold it against your belly. Mentally ask it if it wants to work with you (this step may feel silly, but it will insure you choose a pendulum that will cooperate). You can optionally choose a pendulum made from a certain crystal that resonates with a particular goal. For example, if you’re primarily going to be asking about love, you might want one made of Rose Quartz.
Next, prepare for your divination session by establishing a quiet time and place where you won’t be disturbed. Make sure to turn your phone off, or at least put it on silent. It’s ideal to meditate before you start asking questions, since it’s best to clear the mind. Spend five to twenty minutes focusing on your breath (or your preferred object of meditation) and let your mind come to stillness.
Now, hold the pendulum’s chain in your left hand, between the thumb and index finger, the elbow bent at your side. The pendulum should be dangling before you. It’s crucial that you relax and hold the pendulum gently. You should not be stiff or rigid, which is why the meditation beforehand is so important. Your arm should be still yet relaxed.
Before you start firing away with questions, you should ask a few test questions to determine which directions mean what. It’s standard to begin by asking questions you know the answers to already, like, “Am I a woman?” If you are a woman, and the pendulum swings to the right, you’ll know that right means yes and left means no.
Usually, pendulums swing to the right for yes and left for no, but this polarity can shift depending on people, places and times, so it’s common practice to check before each session to make sure your pendulum hasn’t switched directions.
Also note that for some people, pendulums can rotate rather than swing. When dealing with a rotating pendulum, make sure to note whether the rotation is clockwise or counterclockwise. Then, determine which of those orientations means yes and which means no.
Alternatively, you can buy one of the tablecloths we sell with answers drawn on various corners, similar to a Ouija board.
Once you’ve determined which directions mean yes and which mean no, you can begin asking your pressing questions. But it’s important to know what kinds of questions are appropriate for a pendulum.
Unlike the 78 possible results of the Tarot (multiplied exponentially by their infinite combinations), the pendulum only gives three potential results: yes, no, and undecided/unknown which is denoted by a pendulum that swings in both directions ambiguously. The limited number of answers is great for direct, unambiguous questions, but not so helpful for open-ended questions. Open-ended questions like, “What should I study in college?” or “Where should I move?” are impossible for the binary pendulum to answer. Instead, you'd be better of asking, “Should I go to Harvard?” or “Should I move to LA?” These yes or no questions are in the pendulum’s wheelhouse.
For more general, open-ended questions, the Tarot might be better suited to answer your questions. But the pendulum is a surprisingly effective way to find out what you truly want, especially for learning your own secret subconscious preferences and desires. Whatever truths you know deep down but haven’t quite admitted to yourself, the pendulum will quickly reveal. So if you’re asking whether or not you should move to a new city, a ‘no’ will likely mean that you secretly don’t want to go there.
It’s often difficult to discern which voice to listen to among the throng of competing impulses in our mind. The pendulum can help pinpoint exactly which voice to listen to and cut out all the noise.