Mercury Retrograde arrives to alchemize the way you think about relationships!

By Narayana Montúfar

It’s here, the oh-so-feared Retrograde of Mercury, the ruling planet of data, communication, and thought process. Media and modern society have, in a way, demonized this transit. But the truth is that, when used wisely and consciously, the Retrogrades of Mercury are not only useful, but also transformative.

Ancient stargazers didn’t see Mercury Retrograde as an inconvenience; they saw it as a process. They saw it as an opportunity to do some deep internal review and the opportunity to alchemize the way we think about and approach our environment. And the biggest proof of how necessary this transit is comes with the realization that it happens three times a year. 

On Sunday, September 26th at 10:10 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury will begin its Retrograde, which will last until October 18th. Happening in Libra, this transit will have us listen to what Libra focuses its attention on the most: striving for balance in our closest bonds.

Big changes have been occurring, which have required us to shift our priorities to adapt to a new reality. For many, this process of adaptation has been reflected in the way we connect with our nearest and dearest. If you have already been noticing misalignments and misconnections within relationships, your mind is already prepared for Mercury Retrograde.

As our lives change, we are also being asked to transform the way we relate to one another, and Mercury Retrograde is here to help us do exactly that! During the three weeks Mercury will be Retrograde, relationship issues from the past are meant to be brought to the surface to arrive at a better resolution. It is basically a second chance to solve an issue that perhaps was overlooked or swept under the rug. 

But the truth is that this second chance will require deep work. While beginning its retrograde, Mercury will be squaring Pluto, the planet of transformation, psychology, and rebirth. Pluto’s no-nonsense influence will take us on a dive into the corners of our minds so we can analyze the deepest psychological patterns we act on.

Mars, the planet of drive and action, will also be activated during the latter part of this Retrograde. For this reason, expect your inner fire to be triggered as you alchemize the way you think and therefore feel about a certain person. Watch your words, because when Mercury and Mars align, words can feel hurtful. This will be especially true between October 5th and October 12th.

If you end up feeling anger, err on the side of flexibility and harmony. Channel your anger into positive introspection. Once Mercury starts picking up speed by October 25th, we will start seeing the fruits of this labor. Growth and abundance is what the cosmos promise from this deep transformation.

LEARN MORE & SIGN UP FOR NARAYANA'S CLASS - 10/5: Harnessing the Energy of the New Moon in Libra with Narayana HERE


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