We are excited to announce the launch of a mystery lodge in the tradition of Western Hermeticism. The lodge called ARBORETUM MYSTICUM is going to be led by Naha, one of our senior healers and teachers at HOI. The lodge is open to all. It is an opportunity for you to learn the Qabalistic tree of life. The first spots available are Saturday February 18th

“The Tree is a means, a method, a map, and a mechanism, for assisting the attainment of the single objective common to all Creeds, Systems, Mysteries, and Religions, namely the Mystical Union of Humanity and Divinity in the Great AT-ONE-MENT.”

– William Gray, Ladder of Lights

Arboretum Mysticum will meet Saturdays at 11am at the Temple of Intuition at our Echo Park location. Attendance cost is $15 and the first class sold out in 24 hours so be sure to sign up if you want to attend. You can sign up on our meetup by clicking this link. You can expect to learn the esoteric and philosophical principles to cultivate magic. You will learn rituals and meditations as well as develop a community of like minded magicians. This is a great class for those interested in self-initiation into the Hermetic sciences. If you have an interest in tarot, astrology or alchemy, this group will help you understand how those tools fit into the bigger picture.

I started my own path at a mystery school studying hermeticism and I feel it is a great place to decondition the mind and activate your greatest potential happiness. Your fearless leader, Naha is one of the most integral people at the mothership of House of Intuition. She has been a part of it from the beginning seven years ago. Her experience speaks for itself having taught thousands of hours of classes and conducted even more readings and healings. She is a practicing magician and has studied in depth in the magical arts as well as taught advanced magic.

We are excited that this mystery lodge will be open to both men and women as historically, that was not always the case. In this empowering time, we are waking up together and the once secret information is now more readily available to the public. If this subject is new to you, stop by our library for a book called ‘The Kybalion’ which covers the seven higher laws of the universe and is rather easy to read. You may have heard of a successful movie Oprah loves called The Secret. The Secret is actually based on one of the Hermetic principles from this book, the law of attraction. This type of esoteric information is an internal journey to transform your external world. It is called The Great Work. If you find yourself reading this article, know there is an ancient Hermetic saying that says, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Maybe you are reading this for a reason.

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