Spring Equinox | Happy Astrological New Year!

Happy Spring Equinox, otherwise known as the Astrological New Year! When it comes to the zodiac, Aries is the sign that begins the wheel. This fire sign is the spark that starts new energy and new life very similar to the season that is beginning today, the Spring. The springtime is a time of renewal and creation, learning how to balance activity and leisure as the days start to get warmer.

Scientifically speaking, the Spring Equinox is when the sun crosses the celestial equator. For us, this means there is new hope on the horizon. How are you deciding to enter this new year? For reference, it was the Spring Equinox of last year when the world went on lockdown due to the pandemic. How much have you changed within this year's time? It is time to step into the new 2021 identity which you have created for yourself throughout 2020.

Heading into this new year is excited as we begin the astrological New Year with Venus, the planet of love will be entering the sign of Aries. This shift will be causing us as a collective to become extremely passionate about the things we care for and identify with. There is a strong sense of renewal coming. This astrological new year will be unlocking the Magician spirit in those who choose to walk their path to the fullest.

As life to the Earth gets restored, we are supported by celestial energy to transitionย ourselves into a new life.ย  With the Moon passing by the North Node, the point of destiny, and Mars in Gemini, the planet of action, during this Equinox time, there is a new chance to create change through actively communicating the sincerity of what you feel with kindred spirits. This motion is amplified as well with the fact that Venus will be in the 28th degree of Pisces, showing that unconditional love will lead you to the right people this astrological year.

Congratulations to all of those who have made it through this last life-altering year. The strength that carried you through will be rewarded within the upcoming 12 months. The most important thing you can do to honor this New Year is choose to be yourself and decide to do the things you truly resonate toward. If other people don't like an aspect of what you are doing, don't let that deter you from your truth.

Walk in your truth. Stand in your truth. Be brave as you accept new parts of yourself to all that you meet. Happy Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year!

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