Weekly Astrology Forecast | MARCH 22

Welcome to the Astrological New Year and Spring Equinox! This week is an energetic new beginning meant to send you into the next outstanding chapter in your life. This last Pisces season has been challenging us all spiritually and emotionally to come to terms with aspects of ourselves we may not have even been aware of prior. Now that we are stepping into this fire sign season expect your passions to become ignited as the days begin to get warmer and our world begins to come to life again.

On the 21st, Venus, the planet of love, has made its shift into Aries as well. This speaks to honoring your true essence of self and coming into a new sense of courage within yourself. Going for what you identity with and love is critical in this time frame. Self-love completely takes the forefront of our minds as a collective. What can you do every day to make sure you honor what you genuinely love, not just what other people expect from you,

This alignment is further heightened later in the week on the 25th, where the Sun and Venus meet, highlighting your need to better take care of yourself. When's the last time you did something nice for yourself? When is the last time you've been able to move through the day on your own terms? These things are being highlighted all throughout this Aries season. The call for individuality is stronger than ever. Who have you become since the lockdown of last year? It's time to show up as you have created yourself to be.

This week is also an excellent week for communicating long-term structure to support you in your passion projects and other endeavors. As the Astrological New Year begins, we a ]re reading into the rebirth of who we are. How can you make sure that you stand in your willpower and take every step with a bit more courage? Stay resilient and welcome to the new energy, ready to transform your life into exactly what you desire.

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