Surviving Mercury Retrograde


December 19th brings an energetic shift in our group psyche. If you aren’t familiar with it, Mercury retrograde is a planet that has a reputation for mischief when it comes to electronics. It is essentially the planet that rules all things communications whether it’s the mail, contracts, phones or emails. I’ve already started feeling the effects of it as I am on my third computer in a week. The shadow period (December 1st-January 27th) means that subtle effects will begin to pop up even before the 19th and even after it ends on January 8th. But do not despair, energy is not positive or negative, it is just energy and as meta-physicians, we know that the mercury retrograde energy can be used to help us in our soul growth and our progress in the physical world.


Here are five ways to use Mercury retrograde to improve your life! Get excited because this can really increase your happiness! We have all the tools you’ll need to get through this retrograde stronger and more clear on your vision.


  1. REVIEW your diet. Mercury retrograde will help you release habits that are not serving you. Maybe you’re meant to be a public speaker but your emotions are on a roller-coaster because you’re spiking your sugar levels all day so you haven’t been able to focus. What do you need to let go of in order to really have great energy? Maybe there is something your body is craving like healthy fats or a multivitamin? I often ask my guides if there are any herbs they recommend me adding into my diet. If you want to learn more about healthy eating to increase your spiritual development, consider my class The Clairvoyant Diet on January 26th at 7pm.
  2. RELEASE the past with a reiki session, kundalini class with Aimee or Oliver’s B.E.S.T solution! Reiki can help cleanse your energetic body which can store files and documents which are your experiences just like a computer. Letting go doesn’t have to be hard because we are trained to help make the process easier for you. House of Intuition was founded as a spiritual detox center so accept some assistance and maybe even consider a reiki certification here so you can do it on yourself!
  3. RECHARGE your mind body and spirit with one of Dominic’s soothing sound baths. Tuesdays are magical here because of the sound currents that allow your sympathetic nervous system to switch off (that’s the one that is fight or flight). You may receive messages from spirit about the direction of your life when you finally slow down to let the body’s surface tension really let go.
  4. RECONNECT to spirit and your soul with Afimaye’s class Healing with The Voices December 20th at 7pm. You may also want to get a clairvoyant reading or spend time in quiet meditation to connect to your higher self. If you’d like to develop your connection to your higher self, check out a book we carry called ‘The Psychic Pathway’ by Sonia Choquette. If you’ve been living a busy LA life and forgotten that spirit is there to support you, we will help you reconnect.
  5. REGRESS into past lives with Aimee January 23rd at 8:30pm. Often during the retrograde we will have past loves pop up which will offer us an opportunity to heal things that are unresolved and pass those tests which the universe presents us about healthy boundaries, clear communication and self love.


Are you starting to see how mercury retrograde isn’t actually a bad thing? It’s a time for healing, releasing and reevaluating our direction. When miscommunications happen, just laugh it off and if things aren’t moving forward with projects, new houses or relationships, just know that it’s temporary and you can focus on improving your health and emotional fortitude during this time so that when those things do move forward after January 8 or so, you’ll be better prepared to handle them. This could help you build the spiritual connection or self love you need to actually make a relationship last. If it feels like things are moving slowly, think about what you need to get in order when things pick up speed again. You can use our 'Healing' intention candle to help you set your focus for this unique time.


With love, Shannon.

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