Vibe to the Celestial Imprint of the Winter Solstice

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

On Saturday, December 21st at 1:21 a.m. PST, the arrival of the Winter Solstice heralds a brand new season as the Sun enters the skies of Capricorn. Today, the sky delivers a reset while also establishing a new set of energies that will be active for the next three months, until the next season arrives. While Winter is a yearly occurrence, the season comes with different energetic flavors every time. Below is what the effects of the Winter Solstice 2024 will have on you: 

You may find yourself at a crossroads: At its entrance into the sign of Capricorn, the Sun will be forming a square with the Nodes of Destiny. At times, the universe could present you with the option of going back to the past or moving forward toward the future, especially when it comes to relationships. Know that this is a time to be bold, so choose the option that helps you feel stronger and more independent. 

Ritual Guidance: If a specific situation puzzles you this season, look for clues by revisiting the two eclipse seasons of this year, which arrived at the end of March and the beginning of April, and at the end of September and the beginning of October. 

Your Emotional Nature: The Moon is traveling in the sign of Virgo, opposing Saturn in Pisces. This means that you might find it difficult to express emotions over the season ahead, perhaps due to a tendency to overanalyze them via an intellectual lens. Expressing your needs might be harder, but it will be necessary so others can read and fulfill your desires. 

Ritual Tip: Before having important conversations, set the perfect ambiance: light a candle, cleanse your space, play high-vibe music, and sit down to journal about your feelings. This will help you identify causes as well as patterns behind certain behaviors. 

Positive visualization becomes your go-to tool: Neptune - the Planet of Vision - becomes very activated over the next few months, elevating the power of imagination. The more time you spend in a state of creative visualization, the closer you will get to manifesting your goals. 

Ritual Guidance: Give your spiritual practice a creative twist by making a painting, drawing, or collage about what you are currently experiencing in life. More than searching for a result, this is about expressing the way you feel during a season that gives you more time to play indoors, reconnecting with your inner muse. 


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