Weekly Astrology Forecast for 7/5
The week begins with the Capricorn full moon and lunar eclipse, reminding us that major change continues. Capricorn represents systems and order, enforcement and restriction, responsibility and self-discipline, so we can expect these areas of our lives to be touched by the moon and eclipse energy. The energy of lunar eclipses can seem more subtle or internal than solar eclipses, but not necessarily. There’s a big push through the power of the universe to bring out what lurks inside, so paying attention to our environments will help us navigate the more subtle shifts happening internally. Spend time this week noticing and reflecting on ways you’ve needed outside validation in order to feel accomplished in your life, and times when you’ve told yourself that you needed to seem strong in the presence of others when you most likely needed support. How was this behavior supporting you and the persona and identity system you’ve invested in maintaining? What happens if you don’t invest in living that way anymore? You may find that you’ve underestimated your feelings and your worth, and if this is the case, give yourself permission to feel vulnerable and integrate your truth, so matter how messy or unacceptable, into who you really are. Resentment about how much we give to others versus how much is given back can rise up in us so that we can create or revise better boundaries. Rest your nervous system this week, especially towards the end of the week, and spend time with those who accept you as you are.