Weekly Astrology Forecast for 1/4

Happy New Year, everyone!

New beginnings are on the way, and there’s new hope that is emerging on the horizon. This 2021 is bound to bring us into a different space of energy compared to what we had to experience throughout 2020. Allow this week to expand your awareness of the blueprint you wish to bring into your life and program your year into the best that it can be for yourself.

This week features a deep integration between the things we honestly think and what we feel we ought to say to those around us. This week is a week all about transformative communication to bridge in a better world you can adapt to based on your innermost desires.

With Mars entering Taurus on the 6th, we will be slowing down the rate at which we choose to explore the things we love. This transit is a time where the universe truly displays that slow and steady wins the race. How can you continue to pursue your endeavors but from a more relaxed state of mind? Be sure to take things a bit slower within the upcoming weeks. Allow it to gain momentum through your patience.

On the 8th, we also have Venus making its transition into Capricorn, a transit that is all about making a serious commitment to what you care for. This commitment could be about a person, a business, or a hobby you want to make into your job. Whatever way it resonates, be sure to choose what moves you at a core level.

This week truly offers you a way to make concrete your visions as we head into this New Year. It’s time to release the stress of last year and show yourself a gateway into a new and beautiful year!




In this workshop, we will be uncovering the secrets to the specific degrees of astrology. Each number in your birth chart has a zodiac sign association, which can be added to interpretations to get the full scope of how energy is working personally to you. Using this degree theory, you'll add a new layer of discovery to your astrological findings about yourself.

Join us for our Astrology Saturdays: Weekly Astrology Reports hosted by Chad on our Instagram Lives at 11AM PST and out his astrology classes on our website for every Monday and Wednesday at 6PM PST

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