Weekly Astrology Forecast I April 10: The Luckiest Day Of the Year

Posted by Liz McKenna on

By: Narayana Montufar

Mantra: “What I truly desire also desires me; it’s only a matter of time before my wishes materialize.”

An exciting week is in store, as we will experience what some astrologers consider the “luckiest day of the year.” On Tuesday, the bright Sun will meet with Jupiter, the biggest and most fortunate planet in the solar system. Under this energy, some of us will experience an abundance of positivity, lucky breaks, and even nice surprises—this is especially true for those who have been working on bettering themselves! 

On the same day, our other lucky planet, Venus, makes a power move. On Tuesday, April 11th at 12:47 a.m. Pacific Time, Venus enters Gemini, where it will stay until May 6th. By harnessing the energy of the zodiac sign the Love Goddess will occupy, we can flow with the natural rhythms of the Universe, attracting our heart’s desires. In astrology, Gemini is the sign of duality, so expect to feel torn between two paths, two ways of being, and even two romantic options. Gemini’s magic resides in enjoying all the opportunities available to us! 


Practical Ways to Harness Venus in Gemini

Attracting Love & Romance: Venus in Gemini is the epitome of the social butterfly, so while the Goddess of Pleasure is in this fun sign, mingle until you drop! During these three and a half weeks, we have cosmic permission to date multiple people, if that’s what we desire. This allows us to play with our own taste and desire to figure out what we truly want out of not only love but friendship. 

For those who are already partnered, this planet-sign combination is all about stimulating the mind. It is about starting an unexpected sexting chain when away from each other, and having stimulating conversations with one another when together. 

Attracting Money & Success: When Venus is in Gemini, words—written or spoken—function as magnets. Repeating mantras and affirmations is always a useful practice, but during this planet-sign combination, it is our number one manifestation tool. 

If seeking to bring more abundance into your life, Venus in Gemini can be an extremely positive time to enrich your mind. If you need training to attain your desired level, this is the perfect time to enroll in studies, for example. If you’re applying for a new job, embodying the open-minded and versatile energy of Gemini could help you land the job! 

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