Weekly Astrology Forecast I August 12: Your Horoscope for Mercury Retrograde Shift to Leo

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

The third week of August brings some interesting shifts. In particular, we pay attention to the retrograde of Mercury, which began on August 4, in the sign of Virgo. On August 14th at 5:16 p.m. PT, the flavor and effects of this retrograde radically change as Retrograde Mercury enters the previous sign in the Zodiac wheel, which is Leo. Below is what it means for your Rising Sign, between now and August 18th, which is when Mercury goes direct. 

Aries: Over the next ten days, seek pleasure and fun - but without breaking your bank account. Instead of overspending, try finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. 

Taurus: Changes to your environment could bring stress or even sleepless nights. The antidote is exploring the freedom and liberation they could bring once accepted. 

Gemini: Turning off the outside noise will be necessary over the next ten days. Rest, meditation, and taking naps bring peace while also awakening your intuition. 

Cancer: The next ten days bring the need to review your finances. As you create your budget, leave room for new activities and have fun with friends. 

Leo: How tied is your personality to your career? Changes within your career are imminent now—but they do not need to determine your entire sense of identity. 

Virgo: Seek moments of true solitude to avoid the outside noise. Once you emerge, you’ll notice something around the way you see the world has changed. 

Libra: Read between the lines. Something a friend or collaborator says brings a drastic change to the way you see, approach, and think about relationships and intimacy. 

Scorpio: Maintaining healthy boundaries will be important over the next ten days so the changes that are happening in your relationships don’t distract you from your goals. 

Sagittarius: This retrograde brings change to your processes. Be one step ahead by double-saving your documents, printing your notes, and carefully reading your email before hitting send. 

Capricorn: Your closest relationships experience change now, perhaps driving you to begin searching for different (and more fun) types of people to bring into your orbit.  

Aquarius: Some of your commitments, contracts, or deals will need to be re-negotiated as new information about your personal life comes to light. 

Pisces: Expect to receive unexpected news that is meant to change the way you approach your daily life. This is a time to search for and embrace liberation. 


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