Weekly Astrology Forecast I August 28 - Your Uranus Retrograde Horoscope

Posted by Liz McKenna on

Mantra: “When I seek and embrace freedom, I call breakthroughs into my life.”

As we transition from August to September, the sky delivers dramatic energetic shifts! The excitement is led by Uranus—the Planet of Change, Freedom, and Revolution—going retrograde on Monday. When planets go retrograde, their influence is tamed for some time. From now until January 22, we can expect to experience less radical and surprising change, which will allow us to catch our breath.

However, as Uranus switches gears and speed this week, its influence will be magnified incredibly! The Celestial Maverick fulfills its heavenly job of leading towards breakthroughs for those of us who dare to take a big leap of faith and seek freedom in a specific area of our lives—below is yours!

Aries: Release old thinking around the way you make a living. By nurturing your creativity, you will open the door to more progressive and affluent avenues.

Taurus: Seek freedom in the way you express yourself—from your appearance to the way you defend your time, your beliefs, and your desires.

Gemini: Find true autonomy by liberating yourself from unconscious patterns that have roots in past experiences. Hypnotherapy and Tarot are your go-to practices now!

Cancer: Free yourself from the professional collaborations or friendships that seem more of a weight than a gift. It’s okay to say goodbye!

Leo: Harness the genius energy of Uranus by trying new things in the realm of career, this will help you uncover hidden talents.

Virgo: Release your old views about life and the world at large. Adopt new philosophies by exposing yourself to new studies, people, and vistas.

Libra: Find true freedom by releasing any old fears that might have plagued you for too long. Seek true intimacy with the people you love.

Scorpio: Free yourself from connections that bind your magic and inner light. This will open the door to fresh and more exciting relationships.

Sagittarius: Let go of the habits that come from a subconscious, negative pattern, and embrace healthier ways of living.

Capricorn: Abandon your personal inhibitions so you can enjoy life’s gifts in a more profound way! Embrace creativity, play, and romance!

Aquarius: Liberate yourself from ancestral trauma or any links to the past that pull you down. Cord-cutting rituals are your go-to tools now!

Pisces: Any negative talk that plagues your mind needs to be dissolved—this will open the path for healthier ways of talking to yourself!


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