No one would deny that August has been a super-transformative month, so it can be a surprise to find out that it will end with a bang! On Wednesday, August 30th at 6:36 p.m. Pacific Time, the Full Moon rises exactly at seven degrees of water sign Pisces. As our satellite becomes fully illuminated by the rays of the Sun, our hearts also burst fully open. Suddenly, even the most composed of us have all the feels as emotions rise with the natural rhythm of the ocean tides.
The Virgo-Pisces axis, where the Moon takes place, is the most sensitive of all, as it sits in that liminal space between our minds and our hearts. Which one should we listen to? Which one should be taking the lead? All Full Moons are balancing acts, and this one in particular, will require us to align the words that live in our minds, with the feelings that live in our hearts. Since Saturn—the Planet of Self-mastery—is involved now, we are being invited to alchemize all negative self-talk into the magical self-love that our soul now craves. If you’re ready to turn tough love into true love, the ritual below is for you:
The Ritual
You will only need incense, seven flowers, and a body of water—it can be a lake, a river, the ocean side, or even your bathtub. Begin by cleaning your aura as well as the space around you with the incense and meditate for at least seven minutes.After feeling grounded, while putting your feet in the water, grab each one of the flowers and for each one, recite one of the seven mantras while truly feeling supported and loved by the universe. Once you’re finished, thank the Water element for assisting in this process of purification.
1. “Whenever I let go and surrender, I truly win.”
2. “My true gifts reside in my most unique imperfections.”
3. “I understand that everything is well and perfect; my life is unfolding as it should.”
4. “By dissolving all my worries and fear; the Full Moon illuminates my path forward."
5. “When I allow the true dissolution of my ego, I can get to my true personal essence.”
6. “In the Universe’s eyes, I can never fall out of place; I am protected by divine guidance.”
7. “When I become aware that my soul is eternal, the obstacles along my path no longer hurt.”