Weekly Astrology Forecast I February 10: Radiate Self-love at the Loud Leo Full Moon

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Let the universe hear your roar! On Wednesday, February 12 at 5:53 a.m. PT, the moon will oppose the Aquarius Sun to form this year's full moon in Leo. While all zodiac signs hold a special gift energetically, Leo is all about light, creativity, and joy. Quite often, this influence is misunderstood as attention-grabbing, when in reality, it’s a vibration of self-love that we should all embrace. 

This year, the Leo Full Moon is sure to be loud due to its activation of the planet Uranus, the Planet of Surprises and Spiritual Awakenings. Regardless of your sign, this lunar event is the perfect opportunity to wake up to your inner magic by daring to look in the mirror and congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come. By tapping into the energy of this magnanimous Full Moon, you set yourself up to receive some serious epiphanies about love, life, and your unique place in the universe. 

Below is a self-love spell to guide you! You will need the House of Intuition Self-Love Magic Candle, a piece of Bumble Bee Jasper Tumble, a small handheld mirror, paper, and a pen. 

BEGIN by clearing your space with palo santo or incense and visualize any negative energy being removed from your chosen space for the ritual. 

LIGHT the candle; as the flame illuminates the space, focus on its warm, loving energy. If the Lion is one of your spirit animals, you can welcome its presence or roar into your space. 

IMAGINE the light of the candle emanating a frequency of self-love, infusing both your Bumble Bee Jasper and your mirror. 

HOLD the Bumble Bee Jasper in your dominant hand, feeling its joyful, uplifting vibration. Visualize its energy blending with yours.

GAZE into the mirror, acknowledging your beauty, strength, and unique qualities aloud. 

WRITE the affirmation “I am radiant. I honor myself with love and kindness. I am perfect, whole, and complete,” on the piece of paper, fold it, and put it under the candle.  

REPEAT the mantra five times as you stare into your eyes. 

CLOSE your eyes and sit with those feelings of self-love for as long as it feels right. 

SEAL the ritual by imagining yourself enveloped in a glowing, golden aura of self-love and confidence.

CARRY the Bumble Bee Jasper in your pocket as a talisman to reaffirm your sense of self-worth.



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