Weekly Astrology Forecast I September 9: Venus Trine Jupiter - Karmic Soul Mate Connection

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Mantra: “I open the doors to the soul mate connections that are ready to come into my life.” 

Over the next seven days, the sky features no difficult aspects and brings an exciting connection (a trine) between Venus and Jupiter.  On September 2nd, we technically entered eclipse season - so while the energy already feels shifty and mysterious, we have a lucky week to look forward to. While this connection manifests on Saturday, September 14th, we will be feeling it all week long! To figure out how it can manifest, let’s pull it apart below so we can better understand it. 

The Greater Benefics

In astrology, Venus and Jupiter are considered to be “the easy or favorable planets.” Venus represents pleasure, love, friendship, and even money! As the biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter magnifies everything that it touches, while also bringing a vibe of optimism and hope. Venus and Jupiter form a trine only twice a year - and when they do, sparks fly in the romance and friendship departments. Under this energy, our desire to connect, be seen, and experience pleasure is activated. This is one of those weeks during which you might experience how Jupiter in Gemini is impacting you! 

A Romantic Meeting of the Minds

Now, let’s talk about the Zodiac signs involved - these are the costumes the planets wear. Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance and Fortune, has been traveling in the skies of Gemini, since May 25th. Jupiter’s most positive side will be awakened by Venus, which is currently traveling in Libra. Under this combination, the power of the mind is not only heightened; it is sexy and exhilarating. You could become attracted to an idea or someone who exhibits a genius mind or thinking process. Even within established relationships, intellectual conversations function as rituals to get closer and more intimate with one another. 

Karmic Soul Mate Connections

While Venus and Jupiter are not planets related to karma, the fact that their meet-up is occurring during eclipse season means soul mate connections reigniting. Eclipse season is known for mixing timelines, bringing people from our past or the future to the now. The two signs involved, Gemini and Libra are dualistic, creating the perfect symphony for soul mates (lovers, friends, or collaborators) that come together with a shared specific purpose. So this week, allow your curiosity to take you to new and exciting places!  

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