Weekly Astrology Forecast I September 16: Your Horoscope for the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Prepare for big energetic shifts this week as the third eclipse of 2024 arrives late in the evening on September 17th and continues peaking into the 18th. This Supermoon Lunar Eclipse occurs in the skies of Pisces, bringing dreamy, sleepy vibes. Fated and destined events take place now, inspiring quantum leaps of spiritual evolution! Neptune, the Planet of Dissolution, Spirituality, and Magic is a key player, inspiring a compassionate approach towards ourselves and others. 

Below is what this eclipse means for you - read your Rising sign as well as your Sun sign. 

Aries: Your intuition becomes one of your powerful tools now, and the more you trust it, the easier you will flow with the natural rhythms of the cosmos. 

Taurus: This eclipse dissolves from your life those who are no longer vibing at your same frequency. Letting them go makes room for sweeter incoming vibes! 

Gemini: You’re dissolving the career expectations that society has imposed on you. Instead, you’re learning to choose and follow your own dreams! 

Cancer: You might realize that the old ways of seeing the world are no longer working for you. The world is changing and this eclipse inspires you to do the same! 

Leo: The karmic relationship patterns from past lives are being removed by the power of this eclipse. Feel yourself cleaner and lighter as each day goes by. 

Virgo: You’re dissolving the illusions that at some point prevented you from seeing the truth about a specific person. Open your eyes and embrace this moment of clarity. 

Libra: A project you’ve invested time and effort in could be finished or suddenly canceled. Alternatively, new information about your job could suddenly be released. 

Scorpio: Your romantic life could feel a bit confusing now as past illusions become obvious. Choosing to truly see the truth has a liberating effect on you.

Sagittarius: You’re in for a major aha moment concerning the dynamics in your family and even ancestry. In the end, it’s all about acceptance and a lesson about compassion. 

Capricorn: Your ability to express yourself reaches new levels of magic! You are poetic, inspirational, and charismatic - inspiring others to express themselves, too. 

Aquarius: Financial shifts arrive now, instigating you to change the way you see, value, and use money. How can you adapt your earning potential to the changing times?

Pisces: You are dissolving any expectations about your future at this eclipse. Instead, you choose to believe the tide is taking you where you need to be!  


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