ASTROLOGY FORECAST | Supermoon & Total Lunar Eclipse

Astrology Forecast for House of Intuition

By Narayana Montúfar

May 24th to May 30 | As one of the pivotal months of 2021, May ends with a bang! This week, it will help to have a light schedule, as the energy will reach its highest peak. And the more room we allow ourselves to adjust to the curveballs the universe throws at us, the better.  

We begin the week under the spell of the Scorpio Moon. Since Luna doesn’t necessarily enjoy swimming in this sign’s profound waters, and will be making intense connections with other planets on Monday, expect to feel a little moody today. Taking a bath or a walk by the water can certainly help take the edge off. The good news is that Tuesday’s Scorpio Moon does connect nicely to Mars, Neptune, and Pluto, making this day an ideal time to connect with our intuition.

On Wednesday at 4:14 a.m. Pacific Time, the moon will oppose the Gemini Sun to form this month’s Full Moon. This is not your ordinary Full Moon—it’s a Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Being the second of three Supermoons in a row, it’s closer to Earth than it normally is, which will make it look bigger. Bringing endings and finales, lunar eclipses pack a punch, as they carry the energy of three Full Moons in one.

Happening in the fire sign of Sagittarius, the energy of this Eclipse is about abandoning old beliefs and philosophies, and opening our minds to new vistas and the possibility of finding new ways of growing and expanding. Jupiter, the ruler of this lunation, is currently in Pisces, its sign of traditional rulership. For this reason, we can expect these endings, twists, and turns, being in our best interest, in the end.

Things get blurry on Thursday as pleasure-seeking Venus in Gemini runs into a square with Neptune in Pisces. While this aspect can bring creativity and glamour into our lives, do watch out for deception during this time, especially around romantic relationships. The best use of this Venus-Neptune connection is through creative inspiration, making it ideal to pour ourselves into art projects. This is especially true as Venus also meets with Mercury on Friday, having us all wanting to share our feelings for others.



Moon energy is ideal to harness for manifesting 3 days before and in the 3 days after.  What are you ready to release?

"BE GONE" SYMBOL SHAPE CANDLE KIT is powerful for cord cutting attachments. Shed lingering energies, old habits, and unnecessary ties. "Be Gone" is the set for those trying to release things that no longer serve their higher self to allow us the ability to move forward.  Clear the past energies, transform yourself, and let go.




Full Moons come with insight and illumination, and they often prepare us for change or release. This workshop will prepare you for upcoming themes and invitations centered around the energy of Sagittarius.

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