This upcoming week is the prep for the course of our lives to change entirely into a new frame of energy. This week is beginning with a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, a powerful shifting of destiny taking place in the sign of knowledge and new horizons. We are gaining a new scope of what our life is supposed to be on this New Moon on the 14th, which is changing the script of how you perceive the events that happen in your life. This spark will mark the second half of Eclipse Season which is a time to let go and let the universe flow as it is meant. If you feel hunch, you need to follow it, if you have an intuition you accept it, and if there is a message you must choose to receive it for your greater good. Our spirit guides and the higher forces that push us forward are allowing miraculous events to occur as long as you don’t fight against the flow of how things are happening. This week is preparing our minds and our hearts for the next chapter for us to step into, the Great Conjunction next week on December 21st will be sending us forward into a whole new world of communication and grace.
If you would like to know more check out our Astrology Saturday Livestream on our Instagram @houseofintuition and be sure to check out our class "Harness the Energy: New Moon in Sagittarius" on the 14th, telling you how to navigate the energy of this Solar Eclipse hosted by our in-house astrologer Chad!