August 1: A New Moon in Leo Ceremony to Liberate Your Voice

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

A big liberation is in store, brought by this Summer’s ultimate lunar event. The New Moon in Leo, arriving on Sunday at 4:13 a.m. Pacific Time, is set to be fun, loud, and even dramatic! New Moons equal new beginnings—but with this lunation happening the same day Mercury Retrograde begins, the vibe is more about looking into the past. 

Ruled by the Sun, Leo is all about light, creation, and self-expression. We’re beginning a four-week process that is all about liberating ourselves from whatever stands between us and our true voice. The truth is that, due to social preconditioning, most of us have work to do regarding self-expression. Luckily, five planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus, and Retrograde Mercury) pave the way for us to begin this process of true liberation. If you’re ready to harness the power of your voice, the following Throat Chakra Opening Ceremony is for you! 

Throat Chakra Opening Ceremony

You will need matches, a piece of paper, a blue pen, a small light blue candle, and a light blue crystal like Angelite, Chalcedony, or Blue Kyanite. For an extra boost, dress in a light blue top or outfit. 

Prepare your space by either lighting incense or putting on your favorite high-vibe playlist. Take a few cleansing breaths and once you feel ready, tear a piece of the paper and write the mantra “To liberate my voice,” folding and putting it under the candle while repeating it three times. 

Next, light your blue candle and stare at the flame for as long as possible. Grab the crystal in your non-dominant hand and close your eyes. Visualize a light blue cord coming out of the candle’s flame, entering your Throat Chakra. Next, ask Spirit: “How can I liberate my voice so I can embrace a new beginning?” Without judging, wait for a response. Once you have it, imagine the cord turning into a little broom that begins clearing this chakra, turning to black dust anything that might be preventing you from speaking your truth. 

Once you’re done clearing and cleansing your Throat Chakra, visualize the broom reshaping back as the cord, and the cord returning back to the flame. Open your eyes and write what Spirit told you to let go of. Once done, burn the paper in a fire-safe place, and thank the crystal for assisting you in this New Moon ceremony. 


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