Weekly Astrology Forecast I July 29: Your Horoscope for Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Here we go again! This week, Mercury - the Planet of Words and Thought Process - prepares to go retrograde on Sunday, August 4th at 9:56 p.m. PST. This time around, Mercury will retrograde in two zodiac signs, carrying very distinct flavors. Between August 4th and August 13th, Mercury will retrograde in Virgo, bringing ten days of deep observation to the areas of our lives that “need improvement.” 

Below is what each zodiac sign can expect, during this first part of the retrograde. Check back on August 12th to find out how Mercury Retrograde in Leo (August 14th to August 28th) will affect you! 

Aries: The first part of Mercury's retrograde will have you focusing on evaluating work, life, and wellness processes to ensure everything is running smoothly. 

Taurus: You can truly enjoy the first part of this retrograde, as it influences your creativity. Experimenting with new ideas and new ways of having fun! 

Gemini: You will be urged to heal some of your childhood memories, which could include reconciling with family members or close friends. Engage in open dialogue and seek closure! 

Cancer: Make a true effort to communicate with clarity whenever texting, emailing, and talking to avoid classic Mercury retrograde mishaps. Extra caution is necessary now! 

Leo: Your finances come into focus now, when unexpected expenses might arise, leading to discussions about resources, particularly with a committed partner.

Virgo: Significant changes may come into your life, which will require a deep amount of introspection. Wait until August 28 to make any big adjustments. 

Libra: Try giving yourself time to rest and recharge. Mercury will be sending you ideas and messages while you sleep, so pay attention! 

Scorpio: You can expect changes within your professional network, your community, as well as the groups of people you belong to, as new information comes to light. 

Sagittarius: Certain shifts at work might have you doubt the direction of your job or even career. Wait until August 28 to make any considerable changes. 

Capricorn: Retrograde Mercury will ask you to consider some of your opinions by changing your belief system. Open your mind, as there’s personal growth in sight. 

Aquarius: Mercury's retrograde will impact your closest relationships, requiring serious discussions with loved ones, especially concerning commitments and shared values.

Pisces: This retrograde will test one of your weakest points, your boundaries within relationships. However, instead of taking action, this is more a time for observation. 


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