July 26: Chiron, "The "Wounded Healer" Enters Retrograde

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Mantra: “Since time is an illusion, healing my present also heals my past.” 

A powerful retrograde is beginning this week, and it’s one you want to pay attention to! On Friday, July 26th, Chiron - the legendary Centaur of Healing - initiates its five-month retrograde. From now until December 29th, Chiron will help us review our devotion to healing ourselves - and therefore, the world around us. 

In astrology, Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer, a unique astrological influence whose task is to turn hurt into healing, wounds into wisdom, and pain into power! In the birth chart, Chiron represents that sore spot that makes us cringe and that we might even have a little bit of a hard time talking about. But once we allow ourselves to accept and see the wound face-to-face, our healing can not only begin, it can take full flight! 

Chiron has played a key role in the astrology of 2024 and will continue to do so. Every single one of this year’s Mercury Retrogrades (including the one starting next week), makes a positive connection with Chiron. Better put, this year truly brings the opportunity to heal, not only our own personal Chiron wound but also our collective wound, which relates to the overall concept of leadership. After all, Chiron is currently traveling in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac and “the leader of the pack.” 

Over the next five months, we will encounter tricky situations that take us back to the beginning of 2024, most specifically between January and April. At first glance, these situations could feel a bit daunting, but in reality, they are opportunities for personal growth once we allow ourselves to overcome them. Below is the area of life you are healing, according to your Rising sign. 

Aries: identity, self-image, the body, approach to life

Taurus: spirituality, healing, secrets, the subconscious mind

Gemini: community, friendships, networking, hopes & dreams

Cancer: career, reputation, visibility, life purpose

Leo: travel, learning, spirituality, life philosophy

Virgo: healing sex, intimacy, transformation, other people’s money

Libra: relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners

Scorpio: work, wellness, pets, life processes

Sagittarius: children, fun, play, creativity

Capricorn: home, family, roots, foundations

Aquarius: speech, communication, siblings, transportation

Pisces: money, resources, budget, personal values

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