Weekly Astrology Forecast I July 22: Three Leo Season Rituals To Spark

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Mantra: “I am both, the director and the star, of my own movie.” 

Cheer up! From July 22nd to August 21st, the Sun will traverse the skies of Leo. While all Zodiac signs are special, Leo holds a unique place, being the only sign ruled by the Sun. Leo brings themes around creativity, visibility, vitality, and joy - and all of us have a special connection to this energy. Even if you do not have any planets in Leo, you have this sign ruling an astrological house in your chart, which will be activated over the next four weeks. 

It’s no surprise Leo season always arrives in the middle of the Summer, as it is a fire sign connected to heat, happiness, and play. What does joy look like to you in the life you are creating? A powerful Full Moon was last night, and with Mercury going Retrograde starting August 4 (SOON! check back for your horoscope), the cosmos will ask us all to answer this question for your most supported manifesting.

Below are three rituals designed to help you soak up the light of the Sun as you rethink your approach to all things ruled by Leo.  

WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE?  Do 1 or do them all!  

Ritual #1 - An Authenticity Tarot Spread: Leo rules the power of being authentic to ourselves without caring too much about what others think. Grab your Tarot deck and pull the Sun card - lay it on your altar - connect with its colors, vibe, and energy. Once you feel connected, pull the following cards while asking: 

Card 1: What will Leo season teach me this year? 

Card 2: How can I express myself more authentically? 

Card 3: How can I awaken my creativity? 

Card 4: In which area of life should I find more strength? 

Card 5: How can I create more joy in my life? 

Ritual #2 - Solar Plexus Creativity Activation: Place a Bumble Bee Jasper or Citrine crystal to lay just below your rib cage at your Solar Plexus, imagine a yellow light coming from the Sun, inundating your entire being with creative energy. Then, visualize yourself channeling this energy towards manifesting the life of your dreams.  It's a great time to also light your yellow candle (the color of Abundance), personalized with creative prayer! 

Ritual #3 - Embrace SOLO Main Character Vibes: Sunday is the day of the week connected to both the Sun and Leo. On July 28th, August 4th, August, 11th, or August 18th, make it a point to only do something that brings you joy and pleasure. Spending time completely alone doing what you love is embracing the Main Character energy of your movie, so go ahead and give yourself that gift during any of those days.  See what happens, you may just surprise yourself with the tidal way of what comes! 

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