February 24th | Full Moon in Virgo: Healing the Collective Through the Self

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

Mantra: “When I heal the deepest part of myself, I heal the world around me.” 

It’s a Full Moon week, and in true lunar nature, the energies will hit climax! Arriving on Saturday, February 24th at 4:30 a.m., the Moon in Virgo will sit across the Pisces Sun. Out of all the polarities of the Zodiac, this is by far the most sensitive one, as Virgo rules the body and Pisces rules the spirit. As the energy becomes amplified this weekend, focusing on activities that connect the mind with the body and the spirit will be key. Chakra meditations via candle rituals, salted cleansing baths, and beach strolls are the vibe now!  

We experience a Full Moon in Virgo during Pisces season every single year. But what is different about this year’s Virgo Full Moon is that it features a rare astrological meet-up between Chiron and the Lunar North Node of Destiny in Aries. This is incredibly significant, as Chiron is representative of our collective wound and the Lunar Node functions as an amplifier. Chiron, to some astrologer's belief, also happens to rule Virgo. 

This is not a new type of energy, as Chiron entered Aries in 2019 and will remain there until 2027. When Chiron is in Aries, we collectively experience a time of deep, intense healing related to personal identity, individuality, and masculine energy. And this week, we will witness events that push us to overcome that wound. While this is not an easy task, it is the key to not only heal ourselves, but also the world around us. 

In mythology, Chiron was a Centaur — half-horse, half-human — who is thought to have been the first astrologer ever! Carrying a physical as well as a spiritual wound, Chiron became a teacher and a healer. Its myth is not only representative of the human ability to overcome pain, but also a metaphor that shows how to help others and save them from their own suffering.

Since Chiron is in Aries (the sign of the self), at this powerful Full Moon, we can turn pain into power, as long as we heal our own personal wounds — and how they relate to personal identity, individuality, and masculine energy. Below is how! 

  • Teach others what you know. 
  • Overcome your deepest fear. 
  • Avoid self-criticism or perfectionism. 
  • Focus on healing your deepest wound. 
  • Protect those who can’t protect themselves. 
  • Protect both, the divine feminine and divine masculine. 

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