Herb Magic: Comfrey Root For Travel Protection

Herb Magic: Comfrey Root For Travel Protection


Summer is a great time for travel.  For those of you who come to the stores, you know I don’t take vacations. I’m always working! But that doesn’t stop me from letting customers know what are some great stones and herbs for travelers that can help protect you on vacations. Vacations and travel can be scary!  Who hasn’t heard the familiar story of a friend whose friend’s third cousin twice removed’s nephew got kidnapped or got lost on a vacation to somewhere seemingly safe?  That being said, one of the most popular herbs for travel protection would be Comfrey Root.  


While both the leaves and the roots can be used for metaphysical work, only the root is used for travelers’ protection. Comfrey leaves are generally used for money magic, so if you can get your hands on the whole plant, you can really amp up the potential of a business trip. 


For a quick mojo bag for protection during travel you will need:

  • A red flannel or felt baggie

  • Comfrey root or comfrey root chips

  • Mugwort

  • Dong Quai root or chips

  • Rosemary

  • Rue

  • Basil

  • Your choice of protection stones

  • Magnetic Sand, Florida Water, or Whiskey

With this, open up the baggie and place a pinch of Mugwort leaves, 1 small sprig of Rosemary, a pinch of Rosemary, a pinch of Rue, a pinch of Basil, a pinch of the Comfrey root or 1 whole Comfrey root, and a pinch Dong Quai root or a pinch of Dong Quai into the baggie.  In addition, add your choice of protection stone such as MalachiteTurquoiseHematite, or Howlite.  If not that, then you can always opt out for a pendant for protection such as a Saint Christopher pendant.  


At that point, sit down with your mojo bag and set your intention for safe travels, an easy return home or a fun vacation; anything you’d like! Once you’ve set your intention, blow into the bag with your intention in mind to give it life, adding a bit of your own spiritual energy to this mojo bag.  Run the mojo bag through the smoke of your favorite protection incense such as Myrrh.  Once it’s been smoked out, you will need to feed the mojo bag with your choice of Magnetic Sand, Florida Water, or Whiskey and feed it periodically to help make sure the mojo bag’s energy and spirit is revitalized.  Carry this bag on you during your trip to help promote a peaceful travel! Incidentally, this mojo bag can also be used as a safe travels in cars.


Not only can the blend above be used for a mojo bag, this can be used as a candle dressingfloor wash, or a herbal bath.  With this herbal mixture, you can also sprinkle some in your luggage to help ensure its safe return to you.  

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