Incredibly Moving Spiritual Art You Have To See

Welcome to the world of transformational art. Spirit is channeled in many ways on the planet earth whether it's music, drawing, singing or writing. These artists have brought forth high vibrational images to help uplift the planet and displaying them in your home can help you stay connected to your soul and purpose. These artists offer healing through their work and fearless sharing of love that pours out of them. You too can find this inside of you. What wants to come through as your gift to the world? 

Kenneth Laugen This Norwegian artist started painting in 1985 and still resides in Norway. His archangel paintings are transcendental. When he began painting, he noticed the positive effect of colors. Our cover art and the image above titled 'The Healer' are a part of his 12 archangel paintings. 

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Lori Felix  This visionary artist has a beautiful collection called 'Sensual Goddesses within Textural Landscapes.' Born in Queens New York, her work took her all around the US and Mexico as she painted murals and walls. She settled in Mississippi to live in nature and turned her home into an evolving work of art. Here is what she says about her artistry:

"My paintings are form of prayer; I go deep within my spirit, where colors, forms and textures flow through me. I paint from my heart, it’s a Love affair between the canvas and me, colors burst forth, organic and figurative shapes emerge as I work in the details. We are all connected in this synchronistic medley of nature and the Universe.We become whole as we live our passion and walk the path of our True Nature. Then we Trust. It’s taken decades of going within and following my heart so I can share these visions of Love and light. Through my use of colors and subject matter, it is my intention to inspire healing and instill a sense of peace, harmony and bring balance into the lives of everyone. While living the unpredictable life of an artist has been challenging, the rewards have been immense, learning to trust in the unknown has brought endless possibilities my way. Sharing this gift of inspiring words and imagery brings joy to my heart. Being an artist is my calling, and sharing my creation is my legacy and gift to the world."

Image may contain: one or more people and closeup

Charlotte Brereton - This artist channels her spirit when she paints and her paintings come through very fast. An artist from the UK, she is dedicated to empowering women and raising consciousness on the planet through tribal body markings, singing, her work with women and her paintings which can be found on canvas, drums, jackets, boots, people and more. She has settled in Venice and travels internationally as an artist. 

Tashina Suzuki - This artist envelopes the viewer in a healing space deeply connected to the cosmos. Her work has tremendous variety and her passion for uplifting others to experience their soul is evident. This visionary artist offers prints on canvas and wood panel. She says, "We are all here to create, this is my magic."

Mark Henson This political visionary does 'Politiscapes' and 'Spiritscapes.' The image above is called 'Guardians of The Sacrament.' He says, "I was lucky enough to encounter some ancient wisdom from India while a youngster, and so I learned to focus my creative ability on what I do best, and to work for the enlightenment of all.
My art tends to be somewhat narrative- I like to tell a story or show a state of emotion or consciousness with my images. I often begin with some sort of idea or theme. This theme might be suggested by anything, or may just drift into consciousness during my day. I am often asked if I receive these images while dreaming asleep. Sometimes they do come in dreams, but usually they are floating around in my mind, just waiting to be noticed.
While I tend to be a down-to -earth person, when aspiring to creativity, I begin by looking deeply within myself, and seek to express what I may find there. My sincere wish is to tap into the Divine Source of Being, to Consciousness, to Spirit, or whatever you may call it-, that place where existence comes from, and to bring into visual reality images manifesting the knowledge revealed while in this presence. Strangely enough, I have discovered that the more intensely personal my vision is, the more universal its message when presented to the world. I believe that art can have the ability to catalyze social and cultural changes. Art has the magical power to evoke emotional as well as intellectual thinking. Realizing this, my desire as an artist is to create compelling images of beauty and power that serve to promote our Conscious Evolution as human beings, and to show us how to live in a peaceful world. To this end I like to explore and present images with themes of Awakening Consciousness, Divine Sexuality, Political Realities and Living in Harmony with Nature."

There are many visionary artists on Sol Purpose that are letting spirit flow through them to speak to your soul. Share this inspiring work with your friends to elevate their spirit and remember to keep the arts alive in your community, home and in yourself. With Love, ~House of Intuition



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