June 2020 Astrological Forecast


Journal every day to know yourself through stream-of-consciousness writing. What comes out, clears out.


We welcome another month packed with astro activity which means ample opportunities for stretching, growing and healing in ways we couldn’t do in other parts of the year. Pay attention to echoes or replays from Mercury retrograde and the eclipses in July 2019. This month brings clarity to how our belief systems have been changing, and we’ll see how we've implemented these changes into our value systems since last year. A major difference from this time last year is that we’ve learned to trust that our intuition tells us the truth instead of seeking truth from outside sources. On June 21st, the full moon in Sagittarius presents us with opportunities to share with others by applying lessons we’ve mastered over this past year--lessons that have to do with our sense of inherent value and what we allow into our lives. We can expect the energy of the full moon to affect us on a deep emotional level as we recognize how our beliefs and practices affect others when we restrict ourselves from sharing and connecting through communicating well with others. There’s a sense of empowerment that comes with releasing emotional attachments to long-held, narrow-minded points-of-view and traditions that we’ve expected others to live up to and that we haven’t lived up to ourselves. Later in the month, we’re invited to revisit themes like emotional wellness and safety within our literal and figurative homes--our bodies and our hearts--with the Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse. We may find that who or what we had judgement towards a year ago has really changed or lifted. Some may have another opportunity to gain clarity and take risks that change the direction of their lives, but only once they acknowledge their growth and face what they’ve believed was so challenging or emotionally impossible. There is an invitation to understand their fears in a much more enlightened and mature way. Any emotional links or ties that have continued to hold us back since June and July of 2019, there’s energy to make the final break from them. Remember that Venus is retrograde until June 25th and even during the Solar eclipse, a powerful jolt of empowered energy, so it’s a good time to claim femininity or feminine energy in ways we haven’t before. The sky gives you permission to put your emotional and mental wellbeing over whatever anyone else needs or wants from you. Find the courage not to hide or withdraw--instead, vocalize, share, communicate. Your voice holds incredible power this month.



Pink Chalcedony: Dissipates self doubt to promote kindness and positivity towards oneself and others

Blue Apatite: Strengthens intentions and enhances clarity when communicating

Black Moonstone: Transmutes negativity and connects you to divine feminine energy

*Intuition tips, astrological advice and crystal information were taken from House of Intuition's 2020 Calendar.

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