Mars Goes Direct: Connect to Your Spirit Guides with a Water Ritual

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Congratulations - you have come to the end of an important journey! Mars - the Planet of Drive and Ambition - has been retrograde since December 6, inviting a deep transformation of your desires and ambitions. You’ve most likely experienced endings and changes of heart, making room for new passions to emerge over the next few weeks as Mars, going direct on February 23, traverses the same territory it transformed within your personal birth chart. 

As it turns direct from its current position in the Zodiac sign of Cancer, Mars will be forming very positive celestial connections with two planets: Mercury and Saturn in Pisces. Water energy is now deeply active, functioning as your vehicle to download helpful information from above. Whether you wish to connect with your spirit guides, angels, or ancestors, we’ve crafted a ritual to guide you in co-creating with the end of this powerful retrograde. 

Mars Direct Water Ritual 

You will need a blue candle, a small quartz, a small bowl with Gardenia Water to cleanse negative energy, Ancestral Blessing Anointing Oil, a journal, and a pen. 

CREATE sacred space by gathering all your items in the form of a circle. 

ANOINT your wrists, third eye, and crystal with the Ancestral Blessing oil as you imagine a bubble of white light surrounding and protecting you and your items. 

HOLD the crystal in your left hand, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths, directing your energy inward. 

INVOKE your guides by repeating the following mantra three times: “I welcome guidance from above. I open my heart to receive all the celestial love available to me. I open my mind to receive the clarity that I need.” 

OPEN your eyes and focus your gaze on the bowl, allowing its reflective surface to act as a portal. 

VISUALIZE your guides’ presence and invite their messages through intuitive symbols, colors, or sensations.

RECORD the messages by journaling them on your paper without judging them or trying to make sense of them. This step is more about trusting the process, even if subtle.

END the ritual by extinguishing the candle, practicing a moment of gratitude, and offering the water to your guides as you put it on your altar, along with the messages you recorded. 

RETURN to your altar to read your paper often, especially when you’re looking for the answer to a question or situation. 


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