The last week of February feels like a celestial gift, as we find ourselves in the midst of two powerful retrogrades. Mars concluded its retrograde journey on February 23rd, and Venus will follow suit on March 1st. Within this brief window of time when planets don’t change speeds, we’re blessed with a beautiful New Moon gracing our skies.
On Thursday, February 27th at 4:45 p.m., the luminaries unite in the deep waters of the oceanic Pisces. Being the Sign of Dreams, Pisces is depicted by two fish swimming in opposite directions, sometimes losing its way in the vast ocean of possibilities. However, Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the Planet of Vision, which has the power to bring a well-defined wish or idea to fruition. This year, the New Moon in Pisces is supported by four more astrological influences (Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node of Destiny) also traveling in Pisces. If you can clearly articulate your vision, the universe will assist you in manifesting it. House of Intuition has crafted a spell to help you turn your vision into reality.
Pisces Stellium Wish Spell
You will need a piece of Abalone Slice, the Dark Blue Write Your Own Prayer Candle, incense, a wall poster, and art supplies (stickers, magazine cuttings, etc.).
CLEANSE your space with the incense as you imagine any stagnant energy being removed by the smoke.
CLOSE your eyes and begin connecting with the Water element by visualizing yourself immersed in the waters of the ocean and connecting with the healing energy of Pisces for as long as it feels right.
GET CLEAR on what your intention is, whether it revolves around finding love, forging a successful career, or living more in alignment with the cosmos.
WRITE your intention on the Prayer Candle, being as specific as possible.
LIGHT the candle and, while it burns, visualize yourself taking all the necessary steps to achieve your desires.
BEGIN assembling your vision board now by adding all the elements that came to mind earlier during your visualization.
HOLD the piece of Abalone in your hands as you visualize its vibrant colors infusing your vision board with manifestation powers.
REPEAT the mantra: "As I craft this vision, so too shall my dreams take form" three times and close the spell by saying “Forever Grateful.”
Ongoing Activation: Keep your vision board in a prominent space and revisit it often to maintain its energy flow.