After a short window of retrograde-free energy, Venus - the Planet of Love and Relationships - will be retrograde starting March 1st at 4:36 p.m. PST. The retrograde of Venus always involves reevaluating how we navigate relationships, but this retrograde appears to have a much deeper meaning. This is due to the specific area of the sky Venus will be activating, which is the very last of the entire Zodiac wheel. The fact that Venus will begin its retrograde in Aries and end it in Pisces, means that karmic adjustments within relationships will be taking place. You can expect these to occur around the time Venus’ retrograde changes flavors, which is around March 27.
Retrogrades can sometimes have a negative connotation, but the truth is that they are opportunities to slow down so we can be with ourselves and rethink our approach. More likely than not, this Venus retrograde will bring back friends, exes, and lovers from the past as a way to close major relationship cycles. After all, this is a major theme of the astrology of 2025 - endings that lead to beginnings! To guide you in this six-week process, we’ve crafted a ritual to call in Venus’ presence to accompany you every step of the way.
Venus Retrograde Potion Ritual
GATHER your items: You will need the Aphrodite Redux Anointing Oil, Gardenia Water, dried crushed rose petals, a small glass jar, and a small spoon. Extra tip: a small white or pink ribbon.
CLEANSE your space and yourself with the Gardenia Water as you visualize any unwanted energies being automatically removed from your aura.
CLOSE your eyes and visualize the elements of Fire and Water blending in over your Crown Chakra, guiding you during this process.
BLEND 5 drops of Aphrodite Redux Anointing Oil, a spoonful of crushed rose petals, and a few spritzes of Gardenia Water into your jar. As you mix your ingredients, focus on intentions like self-love, harmony, and healing.
CHARGE your potion with intention by holding it close to your heart as you repeat the following affirmation: “Like the Goddess, I flow with the celestial dance of retrograde Venus. I am being divinely guided.”
SEAL the ritual by practicing a moment of gratitude as you tie the jar with the ribbon.
ANOINT your wrists and heart center every morning until April 12, which is when Venus goes direct.