More on Breaking The Cycle of Negative Relationships

We love to offer you simple and effective techniques to become empowered in your relationships. Instead of just predicting your future, we show you how to put yourself in the driver’s seat. We love to give you sensory tools to bring your focus to romance as well as heal on a deep level so you attract high quality people.

First and foremost, it is essential to heal the most important relationship in our lives, the relationship with yourself. Are you giving yourself healthy food, regular sleep, sunshine and positive self talk? The universe will mirror back to you how you treat yourself, it’s like an echo in a cave. If you kind of respect your body with how you eat, someone else will probably kind of respect you too. Treat yourself like a sacred temple and the world will mirror that back to you in the types of people that come into your life. If you’re hypercritical of yourself, you’ll see that in the external mirror that as well. Basically, being extra kind to yourself is step one in breaking the cycle of negative relationships! Come try some of our yoga classes or sign up for a membership at a studio to get your endorphins to release.

You also need to be happy with what you do for work. If you are bummed out about your life, you’ll attract the same energy. If you feel connected to your purpose, you’ll attract someone with clarity and excitement! (Check out my class, Discover Your Life Purpose if you need assistance in this area).

Once you are treating yourself really well mentally and physically, you can work with bringing in a high quality person. Here are ten steps to attract a high quality person once you’ve healed the relationship with yourself:

  1. REFRAME YOUR PERSPECTIVE - Read ‘The Mastery of Love’ by Don Miguel Ruiz (usually available in our library). This book helps you start to heal your relationship to love and your intentions in love. It’s an easy and quick read! It get’s you from feeling like a victim to feeling like a love generator!
  2. STIMULATE YOUR SENSES - Get our ‘Romance’ incense and ‘Romance’ candle! These will help you stay focused on actively attracting romance into your life the way you want.
  3. ENVISION IT - In a morning and evening meditation, envision yourself in a healthy relationship. Feel the feeling of being in the room with the person. Make it as real as possible.
  4. MAKE A VISIONBOARD - At the new moon, make a visionboard for romance or healthy relationships with pictures and words that inspire you. Place it by your bed where you will see it everyday.
  5. WRITE IT - In the morning and at night, make a list in your journal with the characteristics of the type of person you want to meet. For example, kind, loyal, considerate, successful, funny, respectful, attractive, compassionate etc...Write to your guides and say, “Thank you for bringing this person into my life.”
  6. USE AFFIRMATIONS - Use an affirmation to break through any negative thinking around dating such as, “dating is easy and fun!”
  7. GET YOURSELF OUT THERE - As you work with calling romance or healthy relationships into your life, put yourself in places where these types of people show up, expect a bunch of people to show up and see who is lucky enough to meet your standards.
  8. BOOST YOUR SELF LOVE - Put yourself on the pedestal. List 10 of your strengths in your journal such as, I’m considerate and kind...etc.
  9. GET GUIDANCE - Consider taking Oliver’s Class ‘Emotional & Relationship Trauma Support’ Saturday December 10th or 17th at 4pm!
  10. BOOST YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Consider taking Shannon’s class ‘Conscious Relationships’ Friday November 25th at 7pm, Friday December 2nd at 3pm or Thursday December 15th at 5pm. Sign up at

When things feel thick for you and you feel like staying in under the covers, hiding from the world, come to House of Intuition where just being in the good juju will help you feel hopeful for a bright future. Let the staff know what you’re dealing with and they can guide you to a book, journal, crystal, reading or class! We are here to lift the vibes of the community and happy to help!

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