New Moon in Taurus: Outsmart the Competition

Posted by Liz McKenna on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Mantra: “My unique capabilities speak for themselves; I act & strategize with full integrity.”
Get ready for an interesting week! The days ahead present a unique astral configuration that we haven’t felt for quite some time and that will be brought to a climax by this month’s New Moon. On Friday, May 19th at 8:53 a.m. Pacific Time, the Moon will renew itself in the sign of Taurus. As an archetype, Taurus is known for its connection to the body and the senses, as it’s perceived as a somewhat mellow zodiac sign. 
However, few astrologers ever touch on the fact that Taurean desire can easily become Bull’s desire. In other words, this is an energy that can easily intensify, which we are about to experience now. Ruled by affluent Venus, Taurus is a money-making sign, and as the luminaries activate it, a newfound abundance is meant to fill the lives of many! New jobs or projects, newly single people, and powerful positions will become available now, leading towards a period of abundance that will peak around June 1st. 
Of course, this is music to our ears—however, things won’t be so simple. At this New Moon, a total of four planetary forces are clashing with one another, creating what astrologers call a fixed T-square. Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, and the Lunar Nodes of Destiny will be creating an atmosphere of high-energy competition. Picture a fresh and delicious cake coming out of the kitchen, everyone wanting a piece of it, and no one backing down until they get it! 
Whatever you’re trying to win, a job, project, or person, don’t fall into the trap of playing dirty now. Those of us who fall for this deceptive influence will have to continue, as this is the type of energy that will remain incredibly active until mid-June and even beyond. Healthy competition is always positive, but with Pluto—the Planet of Power and the Subconscious Mind—involved, many of us could make decisions based on pure desire and raw instinct. 
New Moons are new beginnings that develop over the course of six months, and this one is no exception. By all means, this is a time to plant new seeds that are bound to bring us abundance in the next few months. But when making crucial decisions, err on the side of integrity. In short, act like the celestial gods are watching—because they are! 


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