Weekly Astrology Forecast I May 15 - Your Manifestation Horoscope: How Jupiter in Taurus Will Impact You

Posted by Liz McKenna on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Starting this week, the power of manifestation has a new face as Jupiter—the Planet of Abundance and Expansion—enters the skies of Taurus, where it will remain until May of 2024. As the only Earth sign ruled by affluent Venus, Taurus has a strong connection to wealth and financial gains, and all zodiac signs will benefit from this success-driven planet-sign combination. Read your Sun as well as your Rising signs below:

Your ability to manifest money, as well as material possessions, is boosted—however, try focusing on quality over quantity and the true value of things. 

Jupiter is in your sign for the rest of the year! Harness this energy by focusing on one or two areas of life, as the planet of abundance will support your efforts.

The non-tangible side of life is calling your name, meaning that the spiritual realm is where you will grow the most for the rest of the year.

It’s time to connect with your community at a deeper level, as collaborating in groups is how you will find more success in materializing your dreams. 

Get ready for a close-up! Success in career is possible, as so is a positive bump in social status, so make sure to strategize some bold future moves.

It’s time to open your mind to new flavors, people, and vistas! Pinpoint something you’ve always wanted to do and go for it—you’re supported.

Your relationship status could change in the next few months as the universe instigates a deeper connection and intimacy between you and someone special. Allow yourself to go deep!

Relationships of all kinds will be your forte now as Jupiter instigates you to connect with like-minded folks who will help you reach for the stars.

You will have more freedom within your schedule to focus on creating the life of your dreams. Wellness is also highlighted, so set goals around this part of our life.
For you, Capricorn, creativity, fun, and romance take priority—and the more you focus on this part of your life, the more you will grow and expand.

Having a strong foundation is the cause of all success, and you’ll be receiving blessings in this area of your life!

As the visionary that you are, your magic resides in your unique ideas. Focusing on expressing by giving them shape will catapult you to victory. 



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