Weekly Astrology Forecast I May 22 - Gemini Season: Thrive in the Era of Duality

Posted by Liz McKenna on

Mantra: “Like the stars, I am made of two opposite forces. Like the universe, I am perfect just the way I am.”  
As you enter the week, take a moment to create awareness around the energetic shift you felt when you opened your eyes on Sunday morning. Did you feel differently? Or perhaps, you felt a sense of returning to “normal.” On Sunday, May 21st at 12:09 a.m. Pacific Time, the Sun left the skies of Taurus to enter Gemini territory. This officially puts an end to the first of two eclipses of the year, and so life becomes a little more predictable… phew!
Gemini season happens every year, once a year. However, in 2023, learning to integrate its archetype is incredibly important not only this year, but for the next three years! The reason why is that this Gemini season will greatly illuminate the themes that Saturn in Pisces will bring us from now until February of 2026! The days between May 22nd and June 1st (especially May 28th) will be specifically crucial to watch in terms of the messages and requests Master Teacher Saturn requests we pay attention to personally, and collectively. 
What Gemini and Pisces have in common is that both are signs of duality, holding a two-fold energy that is represented in our world as well as the universe. Good and bad. Positive and negative. Black and white. Light and dark. Higher vibration & lower vibration. Part of being human is feeling comfortable with floating in the liminal space of this entire spectrum. When we feel good, we will feel proud for rising above and showing our best selves. But when life gets challenging, we could endlessly beat ourselves up for dipping our toes in those dark, lower vibrations. 
Remember this: you are human, always evolving, and perfectly beautiful just the way you are! And guess what? The fact that you are reading this blog already sets you up for success—so trust this! During the time Saturn is in Pisces, aware and mystical people will succeed the most. Saturn in Pisces will request we deepen our spiritual practices and become serious about developing this part of our lives. It is not only about promising to “become more spiritual,” it’s about showing up to our yoga mat, meditation cushion, or paint brush more consistently. Harness Gemini season by setting deeper spiritual goals for yourself and sticking to them!

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