Weekly Astrology Forecast I August 26: How to Flow with Retrograde Energy

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Mantra: “If time is just an illusion, then the present is the only thing that truly matters.” 

Astrologically speaking, August ends how it started, bringing a potent energy of change. Over the next seven days, a total of three planets are scheduled to infuse the sky with retrograde action. Mercury goes direct as Uranus goes retrograde, while Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. At their core, retrogrades are times of revision, so we can only expect our timelines - as well as focus - to shift. Below is how to work with the energy of each of these planets. 

Mercury Goes Direct

On Wednesday, August 28th at 2:14 p.m., the Planet of Communication and Thought Process ends its retrograde. Since August 4th, Retrograde Mercury inspired a revision of our life’s processes, which required us to reignite our entire creative process. With Mercury going direct this week, we’re starting to get a clear picture of how to move forward concerning an important project or situation. However, there’s one more adjustment to your process, which will make itself visible around September 6. This is when the real end of Mercury Retrograde arrives. Until then, keep yourself open to making considerable adjustments. 

Uranus Goes Retrograde

On Sunday, September 1st, the Planet of Surprises goes retrograde, bringing interesting twists and turns of events. As one of the protagonists of this year’s astrology, Uranus has accelerated massive collective change, which was especially strong between March and May of 2024. As this planet retrogrades for the rest of the year (until January 30th), we receive the opportunity to integrate all this change that has taken place. Going even further, we might experience a few epiphanies and moments of genius, helping us understand why all the change that took place earlier this Spring needed to happen. 

Retrograde Pluto Re-enters Capricorn

Starting this Sunday, Pluto - the Planet of Transformation - makes a once-in-a-lifetime power move. Since 2023, Pluto has been toggling between Capricorn and Aquarius, ending a thirteen-year cycle while beginning a twenty-year cycle. During its retrograde detour, which lasts until November 18, Pluto presents us the opportunity to wrap up the storylines that have been present in our lives since 2008, but that no longer have room in our lives. The next two and a half months are about unplugging from the past so that we can begin a new chapter that will develop from 2025 to 2044. 

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