August 22: Welcome Virgo Season with this Energy Cleansing Ritual

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

After a very eventful end to Leo season, on Thursday, August 22nd at 7:55 a.m., the Sun enters Virgo. Over the next four weeks, a deeply healing energy and vibration inundates the air. As Leo season’s Fire begins to wind down, we feel less inclined to socialize and are more focused on finding a true sense of wholeness. 

Out of all Zodiac signs, Virgo is the one tasked with bringing healing, as a way of transitioning from Summer to Fall. Virgo influence is highly purifying, asking us to remove any unwanted thoughts and practices, so we can begin transitioning to a wholesome state. The simple but rich healing ritual below will guide you in removing any unwanted energies from your mind, body, and soul. 

Energy Cleansing Ritual

You will need a white candle, a Selenite wand, and your favorite high-vibe playlist. 

Begin your ritual by first turning on your playlist and then lighting up your candle. Now, you’re ready to begin invoking the four elements as well as the four directions. As you face East, imagine a gust of air entering your space as you say “Elements of sight and insight, be here now!” Next, face South and imagine a burst of fire entering your space as you say “Elements of warmth and light, be here now!” Next, face West and imagine the spirit of a waterfall entering your space as you say “Elements of healing and feeling, be here now!” Lastly, face North and imagine the spirit of Gaia entering your space as you say “Elements of stability and prosperity, be here now!”  

Now, while standing in the middle of the sacred space you created, grab your Selenite wand and while holding it in your hands, offer it to the sky while repeating the mantra: “That this practice brings me healing, aligning my mind with my body as well as spirit.” Keep the Selenite wand up as you imagine the elements being awakened by the sounds and melody you’re playing. Together, they create a golden light that pours from above, bringing light to your wand as well as your entire body. After visualizing this for a few minutes, pass the wand around your entire body, from head to toe, slowly. Once you’ve done this, end the ritual by saying “Spirits of the four elements and the four directions, you can go now, thank you!” End the ritual by snuffing the candle.


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