Weekly Astrology Forecast I December 19 - Capricorn Season & Capricorn New Moon: Master Your Life

By: Narayana Montufar  

Mantra: “When I think long-term and plan ahead, the Universe rewards my efforts.” 

After four weeks of enjoying the fiery Sagittarius season, the astrological winds shift. On Tuesday, December 20th at 1:48 p.m. Pacific Time, the Sun enters the skies of Capricorn, heralding the beginning of Winter. For the next four weeks, we will all be working with themes around responsibility, achievement, tradition, security, and self-mastery. 

As an earth sign ruled by stern Saturn, Capricorn is connected to everything that sustains us and keeps our lives working at their best. Archetypally speaking, Capricorn is the CEO of the zodiac, tasked with overseeing the processes that help us be the masters of our own lives. However, know that this year, Capricorn season is different. Due to Mars, the planet of ambition and drive, being retrograde (from October 30th to January 12), our approach to Capricorn season must be more methodical and focused on the long term than just quickly tackling New Year’s resolutions. This year, Capricorn season wants you to think big and think about what you want to manifest long-term, even beyond 2023.  

What do you want to build for yourself in the next five or even ten years? What role do you want to play in society at large? Are you building something that will last the test of time? These are all meaningful questions Capricorn deals with it, and so should you! 

One of the highlights of Capricorn season arrives as soon as this week. On Friday, December 23rd at 2:13 a.m. Pacific Time, the Moon will renew itself in the sign of the Sea-Goat. Bringing a quadruple dose of this sign’s can-do energy, this lunation is a fantastic opportunity for being the boss of your own life. If you haven’t been taking care of yourself, your body, or your resources, this is the time to make positive changes. On the flip side, if you have been over-working yourself, then the shadow side of Capricorn will also expose that vibration to make you aware of it.  

Practical Ideas to Honor Capricorn Season & the Capricorn New Moon:

  1. Celebrate your 2022 wins.
  2. Seek guidance from the elders in your life. 
  3. Make a list of your goals for the next five years.  
  4. Do your taxes before falling behind schedule. 
  5. Fix anything that is not currently working properly in your home and office. 


New Moon in Capricorn Magic Candle
Anew Organic Spray
Ritual Book
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