Weekly Astrology Forecast I January 29: Winter's Midpoint Intention Check-In

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

As a spiritual being who lives in alignment with the forces of nature, you will love this week. On Friday, February 2nd, many around the world celebrate Winter's Midpoint. Since ancient times, this moment has been acknowledged as the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, signifying a turning point in the Earth's energy.

Winter's Midpoint is a time for reflection and checking in on your Winter Solstice intentions. Connected to the spirit of nature and the seasonal cycles, this period is about honoring the natural rhythms and acknowledging the progress of the winter season. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of winter and the resilience it brings.

This Friday or this weekend, engage in ritual to celebrate Winter's Midpoint and reflect on the progress of your Winter Solstice Intentions:

Winter's Midpoint Meditation & Winter Solstice Intention Check-In:

For this meditation, all you need are two Winter blooms and, weather permitting, a quiet outdoor space where you can connect with the spirit of nature and Winter, and the Winter Solstice Candle or a candle connected to your Winter Solstice Intentions.

Facing south, begin by grounding yourself. Imagine a grounding energy emanating from your Root Chakra, connecting with the Earth's core. Visualize yourself absorbing the healing and loving energy you need. Next, take a moment to reflect on your Winter Solstice intentions and acknowledge any progress.

Feel free to journal about your intentions and give gratitude for any progress made or write about any plans to come closer to your goals. Remembering that you are magical and the creator of your own reality.

Express gratitude for the beauty of Winter and the strength it symbolizes. Consider leaving one of the Winter blooms as an offering to nature, symbolizing your appreciation for the season.

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