Weekly Astrology Forecast I June 17: A Summer Solstice Ritual to Nurture Your Season

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

By Narayana Montúfar 

Summer, the most awaited season of the year, arrives on Thursday, June 20th  at 1:51 p.m. PST. The word “solstice” refers to that special moment during which the Sun stands still, also marking the beginning of Cancer season. Over the next four weeks, we will be graced by the healing vibrations of a brand-new season as we spend more time outside enjoying sweet moments with our family and chosen tribe. 

What makes Cancer a special Zodiac sign is that it is the only one ruled by the Moon, the planetary body that connects us to the overall concept of rest, self-nurturance, restoration, and sleep. Simultaneously, the Moon has a strong, legendary connection with the Sun - after all, the season of the Crab leads us into Leo season, when the Sun hits one of its strongest points in the entire year. 

As the days get warmer and longer, we crave outdoorsy and refreshing practices that get us in tune with the natural elements. During this season, simplicity trumps complexity as Mother Nature shows us her most glorious side. Welcome this sweet season by connecting with the Water and Fire elements in their simplest, most organic form. 

Summer Sun Tea Ritual

You will need loose tea herbs (preferably Calendula, Chamomile, or any yellow herb), tea bags, two small yellow candles, a large glass container full of water, and an outdoor, sunny area. 

After bringing your items to your sunny area, sit in front of them and take a few cleansing breaths. Light your two candles and connect with the energy of the Sun as you close your eyes and imagine the life-giving rays of our star warming and illuminating you and your items. Once you feel energized, hold the herbs in your hands while repeating the mantra: “That the light of my home star illuminates my path towards self-love and self-nurturing this Summer season.” 

Put the herbs inside the tea bags and the tea bags inside the water-filled container. As you close the container with the lid, put your hands on top of it for a few minutes to bless your tea with your energy. Lastly, allow for the two small candles to burn down and let the tea brew under the Sun for four hours. Every time you take a sip of your tea, imagine your sense of vitality growing with every drop. 

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