Weekly Astrology Forecast I March 25: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Embrace True Authenticity

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

Mantra: “I abandon the connections that no longer light my spark; I am determined to walk a path of true authenticity.” 

If for some days, you’ve been feeling a little achy and tired, you’re not alone. We are now deep into what astrologers call Eclipse Season. Arriving on Monday, March 25th at midnight, this eclipse is the middle point of a story that began back on October 14, 2023, and that ends on October 2, 2024. 

Cosmically speaking, eclipses are agents of accelerated change, bringing endings, beginnings, and out-of-the-blue events! They are relatively rare alignments between the luminaries, Sun and Moon, that have been considered sacred for millennia by all native tribes around the world. An energetic shift always occurs in the body during Eclipse Season, making these weeks necessary for resting, soul-searching, and going within. Rituals are always our go-to way to honor eclipses - but instead of focusing on manifesting - these rituals are, instead, all about honoring the deep transformation that is taking place. 

This week’s eclipse is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, tripling the effects of a regular Full Moon. It’s also happening on Monday, the day of the week ruled by the Moon. Rising in the skies of Libra, this eclipse’s job is to shake up our relationships, a process that began in the Summer of 2023 and that extends until January 2025. This eclipse reminds us that to continue our process of personal evolution, there might be the need to abandon some of the relationships and commitments that no longer light our spark. Never an easy process, it’s a necessary and actually a theme of the astrology of 2024. If this rings true to you, you can get more insight by looking back at what transpired for you back around October 14, 2023. 

Below are some reflection questions to guide you in this process of personal evolution:

Lunar Eclipse in Libra Reflection Questions

  • Where do I feel disharmony in my life?
  • Is this commitment still aligned with my true path? 
  • How can I relate from a place of true authenticity? 
  • Am I truly nurturing myself before I nurture others? 
  • Is there a real balance in my relationship with _______?
  • How comfortable do I feel when I am around ______?
  • Who do I seek when I’m feeling sad or stressed - and when I am happy and excited?
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