January New Year - Your 2024 Power Horoscope

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

In 2024 the word “power” adopts a completely new meaning as Pluto prepares to make a once-in-a-generation shift, moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, where it will remain for the next twenty years!

Ruling over transformation, evolution, rebirth, and the unconscious mind, Pluto will shift its effects to a new area of our lives, according to our rising sign. If you’re ready to take your power back, set some lofty and long-term goals during the rituals for your sign below. No pressure - you have until 2043 to achieve them! 

Aries: Your social life may go through rather drastic changes as you strive to become a leader in your industry or community. It’s a power-to-the-people type of vibe for you! 

Taurus: Feel your immense ambition building up as Pluto inspires you to go big or go home in the realm of career. Keep your integrity and you will succeed! 

Gemini: The way you see and approach the world around you will completely change as your belief system experiences a complete revamp. It’s time to seek travel and study! 

Cancer: You’re about to become obsessed with all things mystical, magical, and taboo. You will also seek deeper, more intimate connections that help you personally evolve. 

Leo: Your relationships will experience a gradual but exorbitant change as you see yourself losing interest in shallowness. Power plays and lots of learning are in store! 

Virgo: Your work daily habits are up for a huge revamp as you learn to prioritize your health and wellness, as well as your connection with your body. 

Libra: The way you enjoy life (including romance) is about to be turned upside down as you notice yourself being interested in deeper, more meaningful things and people. 

Scorpio: Expect gradual changes to the structure of your home and family. You will also explore your roots, childhood conditioning, and might even seek ancestral healing. 

Sagittarius: Get ready to become a very deep thinker as you begin focusing on writing, speaking, research, investigation, and maybe even exposing complicated truths! 

Capricorn: An excellent period for discovering latent talents. Your entire value system and the way you approach money, resources, and material possessions are up for renewal! 

Aquarius: A new and more empowered you is emerging as Pluto pushes you to upgrade your image and become the strongest, best version of yourself. 

Pisces: The world of dreams becomes your guide as you uncover the real reasons behind your actions. Psychotherapy, hypnosis, and dreamwork are now your besties!

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