Weekly Astrology Forecast I December 18 - Boost Your Luck with this Winter Solstice Ritual

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

Another week, another meaningful cycle returns! On Thursday, December 21st at 7:27 p.m. Pacific Time, the Sun enters Capricorn, heralding the official arrival of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a super-special moment in time that is awaited by witches, pagans, and astrologers. But in 2023, it is especially magical and incredibly expansive! 

In the astrological chart of the Winter Solstice, a total of four planetary forces (the Sun, Moon, retrograde Mercury, and Black Moon Lilith) will be activating lucky Jupiter, as the gas giant prepares to go direct on December 30th. In our grandiose entrance into the future, we are being given the highest force of the Earth element, and all we need to do is honor this energy by setting clear and realistic expectations. Since so much Earth is immovable, we now must add the Fire element to our Winter Solstice rituals. If you’re crystal clear on how to manifest your best future in the year ahead, the ritual below is for you! 

Your 2023 Winter Solstice Ritual

You will need sage, bay leaves, a pen, a green candle, matches, and a high-vibrational music playlist. You’ve probably noticed that bay leaves are the main ingredient here, which is known by many as “The Bay Leaf Manifestation Method.”

Head to a place where you will be alone and not disturbed. Turn on your playlist and begin clearing your space with the sage, corner by corner in a counter-clockwise motion. Sit down and begin meditating to clear your mind. Once you feel grounded, you will imagine the planet Jupiter shining over your head. Light your green candle and proceed to repeat the following mantra two times: “Magnanimous Jupiter, god of all gods, bless these bay leaves with your joy, optimism, and unique ability to materialize wishes.” 

Imagine Jupiter dropping a golden light over your hands as you grab your bay leaves and begin writing your wishes. Be honest by asking something that is realistic and that can materialize over the next three months, from now until the Spring Equinox arrives on March 19th, 2024. Once you are finished writing your wishes on the bay leaves, drop each one of them slowly in the fire while saying the mantra: “Whatever I desire also desires me, so mote it be!” End the ritual by practicing a few minutes of deep gratitude while you envision Jupiter vanishing and your wishes coming to life!


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